SMART ŻYWIEC - (r)evolution also means - committed partners

SMART ŻYWIEC - (r)ewolucja to również zaangażowani partnerzy

Everything that is happening in Żywiec City today, is not only thanks to the citizens and the Municipality authorities, although their role is enormous. We would not have achieved so much, without program partners and their support proved which was essential and extremely valuable.
Building and Woodworking School Complex in Żywiec,  the Technical and Forestry School Complex in Żywiec and the Volunteer Firefighter Unit from Żywiec-Sporysz supported us during the implementation of the "Green Żywiec" program. Together, we’ve prepared the ground for planting and sowing flower meadows.
"We are happy to have be a part of such important project for the ecology and aesthetics in Żywiec City," - said the partners.
Żywiec Boules Club, "Meble Anders - Sports Association,  "Góral 1956 Żywiec" Sports Club, "Stal Śrubiarnia” Screw" Sports Association and the SWING  - Artistic and Sports Foundation were involved in the implementation of a recreational and sports program for Żywiec citizens.
"We were delighted to be involved in a project that promotes sports and recreational activity for Żywiec City citizens of all ages," - concluded the partners.
International Police Association IPA - Polish Section Provincial Police Headquarters in Katowice and the Territorial Board at the District Police  - Independent Self-Governing Trade Union of Police Officers Headquarters in Żywiec helped us to professionally implement a socio-educational program on road safety for pedestrians and cyclists. These took place in schools and public institutions.
" This is a very important step for the Zywiec City, we are very pleased to participate in this project. As we know, cycling transport in Zywiec City is very popular, and now it will be at an even higher level, also in terms of safety," - said the partners.
The murals gave the city a whole new energy. People passing them stop, looking at them, admire them! This is the effect we wanted". - said the coordinators.
As part of the partnership agreement, the Paramus Association developed a guidebook. In first part of program development association  prepared a tourist guide book for youth, which was presented within the workshops among school pupils under the slogan 'I am guiding around Zywiec and its surroundings'.
"Volunteering is not just an after-hours activity... it is above all a passion! We are glad that we have managed to encourage so many people to be a part of it!"
The WSB Academy was responsible for preparing training courses and workshops to improve the competences of Municipal office employees.
"We are  very delighted,  that such important trainings and workshops were held in  Zywiec City! Greater awareness of regulations, accessibility and service for people with disabilities are very important issues these days."
We would like to thank everyone who contributed to our continued successes and initiatives for their help and commitment. Without you we could not have done it!


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